Our Budget Kitchen Makeover As Promised!

As promised yesterday...the kitchen makeover photos. I thought I would start with this photo though - one of my Christmas gifts from Mic and the boys. This was bought from The Vintage Rose (my favourite shop). It now has pride of place here in our kitchen/dining and I love it.

Now onto the makeover...
Eeeew! Very 70's and very wood. Not that I don't like wood...just not this wood. I have had to look at this for 7 years and I was OVER it!
This is it before. The wood doors made the space very heavy and dark even though it is not a dark space.
Now you remember what it used to look like!

Mic was given a gift voucher from a big hardware store in town and he let me loose with it! I went off and bought this wonderful product called B.I.N. It is a sealer, primer and sander that you basically paint on and it stops tannin etc bleeding through your paint, the top coat, handles
etc, raced home and got to work. Oh, and the whole makeover cost us $23.61!!! (that was after the $131.00 that was left from the gift voucher was taken off)
I gave the doors a good scrub, filled the old handle holes and gave the whole thing a light sand and a wipe down. This part was really easy as the varnish on the doors was so old.
Next up was the coat of B.I.N. As this stuff is metho based, it dried super quick and I was able to get the first coat of enamel on that evening once the boys went to bed. I need shares in this stuff!!
What a difference!
After hanging some curtains to soften the blinds and adding some hydrangeas from the garden it looks even better.
Much brighter and lighter.

The next morning I rolled on the second coat and today was able to move all the things back onto the benches etc (not that there is much. I am all about clean, uncluttered bench spaces). These photos are from this morning. Please excuse the stuff on the top of the pantry doors, but that is the time out shelf and being the Summer holidays, there is a fair bit up there!

Now, I know the kitchen isn't a keeper, but for now it is and I happy to look past the uneven door tops of the pantry cupboards because I know it is not forever. It is a really sturdy kitchen and it now looks great with my blackboard makeover on the side of the pantry- I am just glad to be rid of those danky looking wood doors. =0)
Now looking into the living area, it is such a nicer scene. There are still things to do, add the handles and paint the island drawer fronts. The runners on the drawers need replacing and that is something I am not confident of doing myself, so I will let Mic do that one.
I still have to paint the chairs to match the table and now I have the B.I.N primer, it may actually get done a lot quicker than I thought.
From this side you don't even know the drawer fronts aren't done and it will be done soon anyway so I am not fussed. I am just so happy at how much brighter it is and even with the creepy glow from the fires, it still looks fresh.
The fires are even closer now and I have spent the day getting important things together in case we get told to leave...I hope it doesn't get to that.
I would love to hear what you think of our 'new' kitchen
Ness xx

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