According to Sproost...

design sponge
According to this test on Sproost, the following photos describe 'my style'. Since I am yet to name my style, I thought I would go and have a look to see what someone else would name it. The test didn't help though as I attempted it 3 times and each time it was different!
The first go said I was 100% Modern Elegance, which described me to a 'T'. 2nd go said 44% Rustic Revival, 44% Nantucket Style and 12% Modern Elegance. 3rd go said 43% Classic, 29% Cottage Chic and 28% Hollywood Couture...WHO KNOWS??
All I know is that from all of the findings, I picked these photos to represent some of what I love. The one above is perfect. Calming palette of neutrals, quirky artwork, classic furnishings mixed with modern pieces.

southern accents via sproost
This photo shows my love of old Architectural elements like tall sash windows and ceilings. Shutters, and a little pattern here and there.
desire to inspire vis sproost
The coastal style I love also for that 'kick off your shoes and put your feet up' feel. Casual fabrics and scrubby wood that has seen many days. I love the little hint of tailoring in the cushions...maybe that's the 'Modern Elegance' coming out!

via sproost
Ah, beaded boards on walls. Something I will always love. Symmetry, linen and sisal...anything natural speaks to me.
I think I will have to go and have another turn, just so I can see the room suggestions that come up next time!!! Sproost is a great site, kind of like Polyvore in a way, you can arrange your own rooms from 1000's of items and save them, email, twitter...whatever. If you have some time up your sleeve, have a go. It's interestingly fun and I still don't know what to name 'my style'!!!
Ness xx

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