I missed it...but I am feeling better

Ness Lockyer
This is my 402nd post today! I missed it though as I have been so sick the past few days. To add to that the rain has been relentless. This view from our kitchen window is bleak and the puddle of water you can just see beside our shed joins on to this....

Ness Lockyer
argh! This goes to show you how much rain we have been getting lately. We have named this "Loch Ness"...if it keeps raining some sort of sea monster is going to move in I am sure!!
Today is sunny though =0)
I did say I was planningto rearrange our old Medical cabinet if I was feeling ok...well I wasn't. Here it is though in it's blurry glory. I will show you a better shot when the sun is shining (it was raining and dark when I took this) and I have channged the contents about.

I did add some things to it in an attempt to show you something...I felt guilty! Not exactly what I was after...but something at least.

Marley & Lockyer
I thought you might like to see the French Chair cushion I made with the artwork I done that I showed you last week.
Marley & Lockyer
There is also this newbie to the shop. 'Spring Hummingbird' I have called it...and we actually had some sunlight on the weekend to photograph it! I would like your feedback...if I run a giveaway would you prefer my chair art work as cushions or as prints????
Love to hear your thoughts..and thank you to everyone who left get well messages. I do feel I am on the mend.
Ness xx

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