Beautiful dining spaces to share...

The fact that so many families don't eat together for at least one meal a day I find very sad. The French have got it right...they always have sit down meals and it is just part of what they do and I love it. I thought some inspirational eating areas would ignite every ones desire to eat like the French, at a set table with their families. Here are some favourites of mine and what you can do to draw everyone in for the elusive family dinner... raphael designs via abt
As you all know, from yesterdays post, I am a fan of flowers. Just filling a jug of blooms from the garden can bring a little cheer to the table. You don't have to go all out to lay the table either, a simple table runner, like this photo, looks stylish...and so, so simple. Even a length of fabric with both edges tucked under can suffice. You don't even have to sew!

traditional home
I am a fan for themes. It can be as easy as a colour theme. Here, blue and white is the star of this setting and I love the fact that they have chosen the blue and white covers and upholstery to tie in with their china. Even the flowers match beautifully. Couldn't you imagine a gorgeous lazy Sunday Summer lunch here?

country living
Do you have an old set of dining chairs that you may be trying to stay clear of at mealtimes? Well, dig out some old pillow cases, fabric, curtains etc that have something interesting on them. It could be the pattern, texture, colour, sentiments or it could be some vintage linen, like here. Take a deep breath, and start cutting. You will be amazed how lovely mismatched chairs can look with some 'new' covers on them.
coastal living
If your still not convinced, and the thought of cutting up Grannies antique French linen sheet set from her Wedding for your chairs makes you cringe...maybe get some paint out instead. These chairs look wonderful in blue against the white table. It can be as easy as getting some sample pots and a weekend...and they don't all have to match in colour either.
coastal living
...or you could just cover the tops! This can be done with pillow cases, so you don't have to sew again!! Just slip them over the tops of the chairs. Here they have been accessorised with colourful buttons and pick up other colours in the rooms.
Maybe you don't even have a dining area. Any small area can be made as an eating space and here it is outside on a porch. Two chairs and a small patio table is all you need (obviously if there are more of you, you'll have to improvise). I love the French poster and jug of daisies to make it more dining room could you not want to share your day over dinner with loved ones here?
via mels rose place
But for me, the ultimate family meal setting is a fully laid table, blooms, candles and a little bit of heartfelt thought to show these people how special they are to you (oh and good food is always a winner!!!).
I hope you all have a wonderful meal this evening with your loved a special table, where ever it may be.
Ness xx

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