Bathroom Renovation Thoughts

From my Dream Home file - unknown
Don't get excited this is not it. If I could wave a wand it would!
Lyn Gardener
We haven't made any progress on our bathroom as yet. Still waiting on our window to arrive, and then we can get started making the bathroom smaller. It is a huge space and we will still have a big bathroom even with us stealing a little for a built-in Laundry and linen press.
With all the rain we have had, and then the sunshine today, I wanted to get out a crow bar or something and start ripping off the old ranch board we have lived with for over 6 years! At least I would feel like something is getting done.
Our bathroom space has a claw foot with shower over, sink, toilet, laundry and cupboard which houses our linen, 11 foot ceilings....and no style!
I have been thinking on and off what we will do in there. Until we see what is lurking under the ranch board and the cement sheeting that covers the beautiful Tasmanian oak floorboards (which I hope are in good condition still) we have no idea really where to start. I would how ever like to find the old wall boards that we found in other parts of the house and paint them white, like Layla has done in her hallway. This would save LOADS of money and give the space some texture and a wonderful nod to the history of our old home, "Glenlee". Some beaded board sheets would also look great, like above...don't know yet.
Home Beautiful -I think
As for what we are going to do with the sink and vanity is still in the air. I would really like a double one, but something like an old dresser up cycled with a porcelain bowl on top and a bridge tap would be lovely. Of course there will be a big mirror above it.
I really like the little toile roman blind in this bathroom with the white.

Mabley & Handler
The small subway tile would look beautiful in there.
via The Lettered Cottage
Mic really wants a shower and I tend to agree. I would like to have the bath and shower separate as I am over the curtain sticking to our legs.
Trying to work out how and where we will put it is becoming a hassle. We don't want to move too much plumbing as the budget will blow out for sure.

Brooke Giannetti
This works for me. A clear glass shower screen with the shower heads pointing towards it and no door is something I have had in my head for quite a while now. Like wet room on a smaller scale. I also love how all the walls are plastered, with California One Kote I think, and just the shower is tiled.
via The Laurel Hedge
These twin showers look great...I could have each of our boys in at the same time!
The idea of tiling up to the glass like I mentioned above is another thought. Having the shower heads pointing to the opening wouldn't work in our house. The shower heads are magnificent. If anyone knows of where to get some like these would you please email me?

unknown - sorry
Another suggestion from Mic was to get rid of our old claw foot all together!!! NO! This was one of the selling features of the house. I have always wanted one, and now that we do he wants to get rid of it! It needs help, I understand, but it has will be 100 years old on the 9/4/ has the date it was made welded on it!
I also feel that being a four bedroom house, that if we ever had to sell it (I will have to be old and dead!!) just a shower wouldn't do in a family sized home.
Brooke Giannetti
So, what do we do with the underneath part of the bath? We plan to paint the floors like we did in our bedroom, but we need tiles and waterproofing around it. This idea from Brooke was perfect. A 'bath mat' I have named it. Made of tiles, not cotton. So it would look like a rug and function as a splash proof saviour from our kids and their aqua aerobics!

I might even whip out the sketches and some before shots if I am game enough to show you.
That is my thoughts on that!
Ness xx

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