The bird in me...

Debbie Floral - Calico Corners
I have always had an obsession with beautiful fabric and this one above is no exception. It has been saved in my fabric file for quite a while now. I just haven't found the right project for it yet.
For the last year or so, I have really enjoyed the amount of bird inspired fabrics that have come on to the scene...they have been everywhere and I am loving it! Birds and things with birds keep popping up in my life...I will show you...Mulberry Muse
These postcards, which have been made to look like an old French letter, are gorgeous...and not so much for the beautiful script writing or the sepia tones of the paper...but for that Peacock!!! There are some at The Gorge (an awesome swimming, dining and recreational spot in Launceston) that I would love to take home. They just wander around and amaze me every time I see them. Declan, our 5 year old, split his knee open when he was two trying to 'catch' one...he still bears the scar!

LYoung Studio
This lovely art work with its blazing red Cardinal has also been in my wish list file for some time now. The whole range of prints for that matter!!

Marley & Lockyer
How could I not do birds on my own cushion covers?!
A silhouette of this one is also above our French doors in the living room in black.

Ness Lockyer
This canvas of mine, which is based on the Sid Dickens tiles sits wonderfully with 3 others above our kitchen bench. It is my favourite thing to look at...besides the real birds outside the window...while I am waiting for the kettle to boil.
Black & Spiro
Back to fabric...this beautiful piece was hanging in the window of Black & Spiro and I love it. The Cockatoos remind me of the Australian Galah (called Ozzie) we had since he was a little chick with no feathers (I was about 4), until he passed away from old age(when I was 25). He was the only Australian bird I know that had a Scottish accent like my Parents...and he was my best friend as a child.
See what I mean...they are everywhere. As much as I love them, I will never cage a bird again. They deserve to be free!
Ness xx

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