Ina's Paris Apartment.

When I posted about Ina Garten's barn not long ago, a few of you had asked if I had seen her Paris apartment - yes I had...and here it is in all it's glory.
Being that Ina is the entertainer extraordinaire, this shot complete with dining setting was a perfect shot I thought.
I love that this apartment could be any ones place, not just a multi millionaire's.
It is filled with simple, lovely, vintage pieces and Ina enjoys unwinding here. I would too.

Obviously the kitchen is a cooks dream, and even when she is here unwinding there is a lot of cooking and entertaining like only Ina knows how to do.
Now, these are the only images I could find, but if you have some more, I would love to see.
I hope you all have an awesome weekend and I will see you all on Monday.
Ness xx
Can't remember which magazine these are from..I know, naughty!

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