Firstly, I just want to say thanks for all of the support I have had over this giveaway. I am getting entries via email and Etsy as well as here. Thanks to all who have posted about it and added it to your side bars =0)
Secondly, I wanted to clarify the giveaway. Some of you thought that the covers you had to choose from were the ones I had shown....NO, YOU GET TO CHOOSE ANY OF THE COVERS FROM MY ETSY STORE, INCLUDING FROM THE SOLD ITEMS AS THESE ARE NOT ON THE MAIN SHOP PAGE!!!! =0) So, I wanted to give you a little look at some of the covers that are in my sold items page that you can choose - remeber you get to pick 2 covers!
This one above is a match for the Villa de Fleurs that a lot of you picked as your choice and it looks great with the white ruffled cover that I made. This white cover will be heading to the store soon. I am just finalising material etc. The Bus Roll cover. For those of you who have been reading my blog for a while will know how much I love the bus roll. The buttoned cover in the background is another that will be heading to the store soon.
The Temple to London cover has been a great seller when ever I have it listed.

And my sweet little Bird pillow. This one is filled and is a great accent cover.

Another favourite is the Bienvenue cover, and there is that white cover again...I just love it.

M&L bird with Signature flourish was also made in red...and I can do custom colours in any of my designs.

The Flour Sack pillow is a best seller.It is also a filled pillow. I haven't made any for a little while now as I have been concentrating on the new range, but I just love these and it was made originally while I was chatting to my Mum, not really concentrating!! I love grain sacks and wanted to do my own version. It has evolved over time, but still has the essence of that first fluke =0)

The last one I wanted to show is the Royale Swallows cover which is so sweet.
There are so many to choose from and many more than what I have shown you. So, to enter all you have to do is -
1. Go to my Etsy Store and have a look at my covers
2. Leave a comment telling me which two (2) covers you would pick should you win. If you are a reader without a blog be sure to leave your email details so I can let you know if you win!
3. Mention this giveaway on your blog with a link to get a second entry
4. Add a link to this entry on your sidebar for a third entry - Just don't forget to let me know in your comment so I can make sure your extra entries get included.

TO GET ANOTHER ENTRY, FOLLOW MY BLOG! Once again just let me know to make sure your extra entry is included!!
You have until Monday night, Aussie time to enter...and don't forget you also get a set of 4 Love You clay tags and a set of 4 buzz clay tags, and it will be sent to anywhere in the world.
Good luck.
Ness xx
Oh, I have changed my commenting format as I was getting weird comments from Asian sex workers!!! so if you are having trouble leaving a comment, just email me at

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