Detail Shots from Brussels

I'm not really your average tourist. Others take photos of famous sites, churches, panoramic views. Me, I take photos of architectural details. Actually, it gets even more specific than that. I take photos of iron railings.

Why? Beats me, because I'm certainly not an architect, nor am I planning to build my dream house anytime soon. I believe that it's the railings' motifs that catch my eye. When I take a photo, I'm always thinking how I might incorporate that particular design into my home. Perhaps one of the motifs might be the inspiration for a nailhead pattern on the bottom edge of a sofa or chair. Or, another might make for an interesting painted border on a wall. Maybe even a unique pattern for a pelmet.

As you can see, even on my trip to Brussels last week I still had design on the brain.

The best part about this one, above, is that it's located in a dry cleaners. The Carriage Cleaners that I go to certainly doesn't look like this.

I guess I broke rank here since this is actually gate. It's located at Pierre Berge & Associes.

Oh, the other thing that I like to take photos of is signs. Go figure.

I love this Jazz Age font.

(All images taken by Jennifer Boles)

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