Mining the Middle Ages for Inspiration

I've never been one for the medieval look. And I never thought about crenellations until Frances Elkins: Interior Design came out a few years back. I fell head over heels for this bedroom above. Used by David Adler when he visited Elkins' Monterrey, CA home, the room had a crenellated bed canopy and window valance. How chic was that? And in Elkins' deft hands, the room did not look like King Arthur inhabited it!

Now obviously no one would want to go crazy with crenellations or your home might end up looking like a medieval castle. But, one crenellated object never hurt anyone. After all, Elkins and Adler gave it their seal of approval!

In case you're wondering what a crenellation is, Merriam Webster has this diagram on its site. The number "1" indicates a crenellation.

Crenellated mirror by The Squires Company, available through Decorati

Castellated Bracket Lantern by Charles Edwards. Seeing this fabulous lantern yesterday set me off on this whole crenellation tangent.

Crenellated nailshead design on these custom chairs by Ceylon et Cie

A modern twist on crenellations on this 1960s table at Ellen Ward Scarborough

Of course the classic Monteith bowl has crenellated edges. This one by Tiffany & Co.

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