Big Style in a Small-ish Space

I'm really distracted this week by an interesting project, one that requires my time and focus. I suppose that is my feeble explanation for why some of my posts this week will be light on text, heavy on the photos.

So let's kick off the week with photos of designer Robert Passal's Gramercy Park apartment which appeared in the Spring issue of Luxe magazine. For those of us who live in apartments, the challenge seems to be creating plenty of seating, finding a place for dining, and carving out space for storage, all in the confines of a small space. (By the way, when I use the word apartment, I mean apartments and condos. I just don't like the word condo, for whatever reason.) I think that Robert made great use of every inch of his home's space, and yet the overall feel seems anything but cramped. What I think you can take away from these photos is that living in an apartment requires strict editing. And that, my friends, is something that I have learned all too well living in my own condo. I mean, apartment.

All images from Luxe, Spring 2011, Joshua McHugh photographer

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