Bedspread for Two

There is dinner for two...

...and cards and caviar for two.

And more caviar for two.

You have coffee and dessert for two...

...and breakfast for two. (Wouldn't you like to start the morning like this?)

But what about a bedspread for two? No, it's not for twin beds...

Nor even a double.

It involves eggs and oysters. And before you let your imaginations get away with you (this is not 9 1/2 Weeks, people), I'll tell you that it was a favorite recipe of Mr. Hermann Oelrichs and was included in the 1940 cookbook Specialites de la Maison (American Friends of France).

Random? Yes, and I couldn't think of any other way to tie in such an oddly titled recipe!

Bedspread for Two
6 eggs
1 dozen medium oysters
Anchovy paste

Stir eggs in a soup plate. Cut up oysters moderately fine in a second soup plate. Rub bottom of blazer (chafing dish) with anchovy paste. Put in good sized piece of butter, and proceed to do eggs into a creamy scramble. Just as they are turning, throw in oysters, and stir until well blended and cooked through. Serve on toast slightly spread with anchovy paste.

(B&W table photos from Tiffany Table Settings; color table photos from The New Tiffany Table Settings. Bedroom photo #1 from House & garden's complete guide to interior decoration,; bedroom photo #2 from House & Garden's Complete Guide to Interior Decoration / By the Editors of House & Garden. Recipe from Specialites de la Maison (American Friends of France).)

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