There are some people who can't stand blue. I know- each to his own, and if we all liked the same things, wouldn't the world be a boring place in which to live? But still, I just can't imagine living in a world without the blues. (Yes, I sound like a broken record.) But for blues to be interesting, they have to have something interesting to say. They have to be sophisticated and have that "traveled the world" air to them. Really mild blues are too timid for me; they don't look like they've lived. I want a bold, full-bodied blue. Blues that have some maturity. Such as... that blue above. The walls in this Atlanta living room are covered in Brunschwig & Fils silk satin in the most beautiful shade of blue. The homeowner, Danielle Rollins, and her decorator, Miles Redd, are both drawn to blue, so it's only natural that in their hands, the result is something magical. I've seen the walls at night, and they positively shimmer! And, it serves as a smashing backdrop for those chocolate colored velvet sofas.
Yes, there is much going on here. But look at those greeny blue walls. And look at how the purples and reds of the room sing against that blue. Maybe they're singing "My Blue Heaven".
And Madeleine Castaing was a master of blue. That carpet is the most gorgeous shade of blue. The walls aren't too bad, either.
The windows wore blue velvet.
If all of this blue is too bold for you, you can use it as an accent. Traditional fabric yes, timeless shade of blue absolutely.
A little blue, just for you.
(Image at top from Town & Country, August 2010, Francesco Lagnese photographer. #2, #3, and #4 from Decoration (Vol II); #5 and #6 from The Finest Rooms in France
This Lady Sings the Blues
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